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What is it?

It's an interactive script that replicates the well known snake games inside the 3D viewport of Autodesk MAYA 2018. It is written in MEL, and the main driving force behind it's creation was just sole curiosity.

How to get it?

Click the download button on this page, it will redirect you to Gumroad where you can get it for free, or for the price of your choice.

To install it, you need to drag and drop the SNAKE_Installer.mel into MAYA, it will add it to your currently opened shell, when you click on the newly created button, it will start up the UI and create the map. Focus to the map, and press the start button.

How can it be controlled?

It can be controlled with the buttons on the UI of the script, but it's fairly difficult to play that way. Therefore runtime commands had been created, to wich custom hotkeys can be assigned in the Hotkey Editor.